Sunday, June 7, 2015


Everyone is on a unique journey both personally and professionally. I am so glad my journey has brought me to where I am today and I want to use all that I am to help others reach their potential.

In this initial post, I would like to give you a brief look into the elements that make up my journey right now. I will be mostly posting my professional endeavors and interests, so I'll start there. I am the Executive Director of Heartfelt Music Ministry. Our website is which gives a ton of information about what we offer like training workshops, concerts, CDs and other products for sale. I also teach at Valley Christian Schools in San Jose equipping students in their quest for excellence. As part of my continued professional development, I am working on an Entertainment Business Master of Science degree from Full Sail University. Feel free to visit my Tumblr blog, Reggie's Mastery Journal, which is dedicated to my Full Sail experience (inspirations, assignments, etc.).

To give you a snippet about me personally, I live in Mount Hermon, California, near Santa Cruz. I've been happily married for 31 years, have two boys in college, and love to play guitar (I am a Taylor Guitar Artist). For more details, visit

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